Official Castle Rock Trailer Drops

Avatar photo Geeky a Go Go6 years agon/a3 min

Stephen King fans were treated to an official trailer for Hulu’s original series Castle Rock. Brought to us by the master of horror himself Stephen King and friend J.J. Abrams (11.22.63) this series looks like it will not only play fan service through rich references and easter eggs, but also create it’s own drama/trauma through the lens of our newest residents.

Castle Rock has long been a staple town in the Stephen King multiverse, first appearing in 1979’s The Dead Zone and most recently in the to-be-released novella Elevation. It’s probably most famous as the co-star of King’s 1991 novel Needful Things, where a mysterious man opens a shop on the small Main Street that promises something for everyone.

The funny thing about Needful Things is that it was supposed to be (for one reason or another) the last Castle Rock story. Who would have thought 27 years later it’d have it’s own Hulu series!

The show itself looks promising for this life long King fan (I grew up near Bangor, Maine and first read Pet Sematary in 1980 something so there was no saving me) due to it being chock full of references like Shawshank Prison, Juniper Hill Mental hospital, character come backs like Alan Pangborn (Needful Things) and actors like Bill SkarsgĂĄrd (IT) and Sissy Spacek (Carrie).

The series premieres July 25th (so you’ll know where I’ll be). For your viewing pleasure, here’s the trailer!


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