
2024 February

This Week We’re Watchin’ Bad Batch, Fourth Cone & Totally Killer

This week we’re recording from a corner table at the infamous Rise N’ Shine restaurant in Scotch Plains, NJ (so forgive the background noise). The boys have a lot to cover, and even dip their toes into a friendly debate about the Star Wars prequels (make sure you subscribe to the Podcast so you don’t miss THAT episode!). So what are we watching this week? Check out the list and trailers below. We hope your...

This Week We’re Watchin’ John Wick, Lord of the Rings and Dune 1

Geeky a Go Go presents Whatcha’ Watchin’ a new series on the Geeky a Go Go podcast channel where we deep dive into everything that’s on our screens. Comedy. Drama. Sci-fi. Horror and everything in between! Big screen to little screen, size matters not on Whatcha’ Watchin’! This week we talk about Dune I, Lord of the Rings in concert, John Wick and so much more! We hope your queue is inspired!

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