

Speak No Evil (The Remake) Coming Soon!

If you’re like me, you spend your Friday nights with your partner scrolling through the tranches of Netflix and Prime to find a great movie to unwind with. Last year my wife and I stumbled upon the Danish horror/thriller film “Speak No Evil” and have been, pretty much, completely disturbed about our family vacations ever since. Speak No Evil is one of those films in the vein of Funny Games where seemingly normal people, through...

Ghostbusters 3 coming summer 2020 [Trailer]

The sequel we’ve been waiting for since 1989 is coming to theatres summer of 2020. Directed by Jason Reitman (yes, son of original director Ivan Reitman) very few details of the film are out yet, including cast. Fingers crossed we’ll get to see some of the OGBs reprising their roles at last! For now, enjoy the trailer!

Happy Death Day gets a sequel… why not?

Not only did Halloween 2018 bring us some good ol’ fashion blood and gore this weekend, it also brought a surprising trailer for the sequel (who guessed) to Happy Death Day. Titled, logically, Happy Death Day 2U, the film looks like a literal regurgitation of the first film – which, for all intents and purposes was pretty damn fun, however giving it a sequel seems a little too much and based on the collective groans...

[Review] Halloween 2: The Reboot

There are things that could be construed as spoilers ahead, so please, consider yourself warned. Date night is a rare occurrence these days. Especially when you have an eleven-month-old who is sprouting inches as fast as she’s sprouting teeth. This past weekend Daria and I treated ourselves to a much-needed break from parenthood. We got a baby sitter and decided to spend our child free time with dinner and a movie. Thankfully society has caught...

[Trailer] Sometimes dead is bettah – new Pet Sematary trailer drops

Good morning geekies and welcome to your Thursday. Yesterday was exciting as we got to see our first trailer for the remake of Stephen King’s fright fest, Pet Sematary, which originally scared the shit out of us back in 1989. The trailer looks fun, and similar to this Summer’s blockbuster IT, I think we’re going to see some creative licenses taken with the timing, setting and even storyline. As a King purest that kind of irks...

Chris Evans bids farwell to Captain America in cryptic tweet

It looks like filming on Avengers 4 (the sequel to Infinity War) has wrapped. Earlier today Chris Evans let out a cryptic tweet that sounds like he’s saying goodbye to Cap forever!   Now it’s no secret that Chris Evans has not renewed his contract with the MCU and rumor on the street for years has been this was the end for him playing the character. It’s still hard to think of a world without...

Breakdown of Captain Marvel trailer

The first Captain Marvel trailer hit the internet today and it is AWESOME!! What we know so far is that the movie will take place in the ‘90’s and it looks like we are going to get a Skrull invasion. For those of you not familiar with the Skrulls, they are a race of shape shifting aliens that invade planets by blending in and taking over key roles in industry and government. In the trailer...

Creep 3 in the works!

OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG… Have you seen Creep? No? Go see it and come back. … Okay, welcome back. Have you seen Creep 2?? Crap. Okay, go watch that now and come back… … Done? … Okay. Well, guess what… Mark Duplass possibly just teased that Creep 3 is currently being written! I’m keeping my fingers crossed that he’s not messing with us right now! Now, if you haven’t seen the film and its...

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