To commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Clone Wars animated series, Disney announced yesterday at San Diego Comic Con that the show will return for a twelve episode seventh season in 2019 on Disney’s new streaming platform.
This is great news for fans of the show which received an abrupt cancellation from the Cartoon Network in 2014. It’s always been speculated that series creator and director Dave Filoni had an additional three seasons that he never got to see come to life. Moreover, with the cancellation came a rush to close the series in a way that he was never really satisfied with. Hopefully this breath of new life will give him the chance to end it the way the show needed to be ended, and not with some strange Jedi acid trip (you all know what I’m talking about).
For your viewing pleasure, the teaser –
Thanks Disney, you’ve given me one more reason to add another streaming subscription service to my collection.