Variety dropped a bomb shell yesterday when they reported that we could soon be getting a spin off of popular MCU movie characters with 6-8 TV episode runs of each on their new streaming service that aims to rival Netflix.
Here’s what we could see:
Loki’s character has been around in the MCU for over 1,500 years. We know this from Infinity War when Thor stated that his age, and we know that Thor & Loki are close in age. This gives writers a LOT of backstory to work with, wich in turn means Loki can easily stay dead in the current MCU if the events from AV4 don’t undo his death.
This is exciting because we can get more “Tales from Asguard” style stories. Being that it was announced that Jon Favreau’s Star Wars TV series for their new service has a $100 million budget, it’s safe to say they could drop some coin here for the much needed CGI to make Asguard shine. Given the success of Thor Ragnarok after Taika Waititi fixed the Thors-verse, this could be a VERY exciting story line and hopefully Waititi will be the brains behind it.
Scarlet Witch:
Even though she has a long run in the comics and multiple story lines, this could be a hard one to pull off since she has only been around since Age of Ultron in the MCU. We know her backstory already, it’s pretty short. Also since Civil War it seems like she’s been tied to the hip with Vision, and adding him would probably drive the budget into the stratosphere.
So what could her series be about? Maybe life after Vision/Infinity War? There are rumors our that AV4 will use time travel to fix the events in IW, maybe Vision still dies in that version too because they can’t find a way to separate the stone from him? Or maybe Vision just never gets created at all? Who know, this is a hard one to speculate on until we see what happens in AV4.
But who else would you like to see from the MCU get a tv spinoff? Maybe a Hawkeye/Black-Widow team up? Nova? The Ravengers?