Now that we are learning more details about the events leading up to James Gunn being fired, options are shifting. When it got out earlier that the smear campaign links directly back to an alt-right group that tried smearing the Clinton campaign with a child sex ring lie, thousands of fans are signing a petition to get him his job back.
Update: 7/22/18 10:03am
When we first broke this story on 7/21 there were several petitions on supporting James Gunn. We chose this one to back because it had just over 1,000 signatures.
It’s now quickly closing in on 50,000.
There was even one petition on there with 5,000 signature claiming victory for getting Gunn fired.
Update: 7/22/18 11:22pm
The petition just passed 135,000 and is on it’s way to 150,000. All the other news sites have now joined in on promoting this petition.
Jet strickland
July 22, 2018 at 9:29 am
Give him one last chance
Joe Overlock
July 22, 2018 at 12:43 pm
He never should of been fired in the first place. He did this before he was hired, everyone knew about it, and he was given a 2nd chance to thrive.