

Blair Witch Reboot Coming from Blumhouse and Lionsgate, OG Cast Really Annoyed

Lionsgate announced last week that in partnership with Jason Blum, the guy who brought us pretty much every horror film of the past fifteen years, is setting the Blair Witch Project up for a reboot! Since Blum kickstarted his career with the Paranormal Activity franchise, he admittedly has a lot of thanks for the original “found footage” horror film that went on to be billed as one of the most successful independent films of all...

Happy Death Day gets a sequel… why not?

Not only did Halloween 2018 bring us some good ol’ fashion blood and gore this weekend, it also brought a surprising trailer for the sequel (who guessed) to Happy Death Day. Titled, logically, Happy Death Day 2U, the film looks like a literal regurgitation of the first film – which, for all intents and purposes was pretty damn fun, however giving it a sequel seems a little too much and based on the collective groans...

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