On the Line? More like Hang Up the Phone. [Review]

Avatar photo Anthony Pizzuto10 months agon/a4 min

On The Line, 2022
Written and Directed by Romuald Boulanger
Starring Mel Gibson, William Mosley

Geeky a Go Go Score: One Disco Ball

As my wife and I were settling into our Friday night routine of scrolling through Netflix posters and trailers to find something mind-stimulating, we stumbled upon a “recently added” film called On the Line. At first glance, it looked okay. I mean you have Mel Gibson (a legit (albeit aged) action star) and a somewhat intriguing synopsis around a radio host taking a call that sends him on a wild and dangerous goose chase to save his family, we collectively shrugged our shoulders and said with a sigh, “eh, why not.”

And that’s when it all went wrong.

Mel Gibson leads this 2022 film with a cast of community theater outcasts in what I’m going to assume was a made-for-TV, WB network (if that’s still a thing) late-night sad attempt at a thriller.

Between the confusing cat-and-mouse hijinks, terrible acting, and plot that makes zero sense this is one of those films that just needs to go back into the abyss of the unknown.

And then you have the finale. And if you want the spoiled version, check out our Whatcha’ Watchin’ episode where I let that cat out of the bag, but for the sake of those of you reading this… it’s garbage and completely insults the intelligence of anyone watching the film. It’s a sad attempt at a “plot twist” that happens way too late and really can be likened to the ending of a Scooby Doo Episode.

If you’re a die-hard Gibson fan, then you’ll enjoy seeing what he’s been up to in between passion projects and the Lethal Weapon franchise. Otherwise, if you’re looking for a good thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat, then you’ll be better off moving along and finding something else.


This was just bad and forgettable.

Have you seen it? What did you think? Am I right? Am I wrong? Let’s talk in the comments.

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