New Comic Book Day round up: Wonder Woman #51

Avatar photo Geeky a Go Go7 years agon/a2 min
Wonder Woman #51

I was speaking with Steve Orlando about his then future run on Wonder Woman back on June 9th while doing a signing at Aw-Yeah Comics in Harrison, NY. After blurting out all my expectations for his run he assured he had fun playing with the characters. I came around the line a second time as the store began to clear out and touched more and Wonder Woman as a character and how much he enjoyed reintroducing Aztek again. I left totally jazzed about Steve’s run on the book.

So, tonight I’m home reading a slightly advanced copy and found myself in tears by the end of the issue. Wonder Woman 51 absolutely captures Diana’s capacity for compassion. Love and trust are very much at the helm of this issue. It’s a tail of Wonder Woman visiting “Mayfly” AKA Moon Robinson in prison (Check all the way back to issue #28 where this character is introduced). The story takes place in the past present and future. Diana appears in all sorts of iterations throughout the visits and we see what happens when people come together, meet, face each other, and listen.

That’s where I leave you. Go pick up this issue. Give it a good read and it makes an excellent stand-alone story. Gorgeous artwork included by Laura Braga (art) and Romulo Farajdo Jr (colors). I picked up the Jenny Frison cover for myself (feature art for this article).

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