Google Glass – it’s baaaacckkk….

Avatar photo Geeky a Go Go8 years agon/a4 min

Yep, our favorite privacy stealing, eye sore (no pun intended) has returned but in a different capacity. Business! Alphabet (it’s really Google but we don’t care) has said that there are about 50 businesses out there using a newer version of the failed accessory to help on the more operations side of things (versus the ever-snapping millennial purposes we thought glass was going to be used for). According to CNN Tech, Boeing and Volkswagen are just two companies that are utilizing the technology.

Snarkiness aside, I was totally bummed that Google Glass failed the first time around. I love having access to information, and I’m totally willing to sacrifice certain privacy components to have that information. A little bit before it’s time (five years ago) I think society has given up on the concept of privacy in general making it a safe bet to try this product again. Especially with the success of Snap Chat’s Spectacles and the fact that Apple is potentially working on smart glass – now’s the time to get out there in front of the train.

I’m really excited to see how marketers will leverage the technology. I love the idea of hitting the slopes with a Google Glass Goggles (not to be confused with the regular Goggles) that can take pics while I’m tumbling down a mountain, or show me where the bunny slopes are without having to talk to anyone.

I bet Amazon (if you couldn’t tell, I’m obsessed with Amazon) would be all over this – imagine walking into Wal-Mart, looking at an item, and through AI have Amazon show you a better price through them – showrooming taken to a whole new level!

So tell me, who’s pumped about the rebirth of Google Glass? As a marketer where do you see the opportunities? As a consumer what do you want most out of this product.

Or – is it overkill? With smart watches, phablets, phones, fitbits, blutooth headsets and whatever else we can add to our pockets we have more electricity on us then a bug zapper. Should we stop the insanity and be happy with what we have?

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